
About Manen


Hello there! Call me Manen, I am a game developer, photographer, and writer from this little corner of the internet. I am a big fan of open source software, especially Arch Linux. I like to tinker with old tech and collect retro video games. I am fluent in korean and have an invested interest in cooking korean cuisine.
My name comes from the korean transliteration of my last name being a word usually used for "month" or "moon", since "Mr.Moon" is too cliche I decided to go ahead and reference my Danish ancestry and use the Danish word for "moon" instead.
This site is a collection of my thoughts, projects, recipies, pains, failures, and interests. I am going to try to keep this updated as much as I can, adding a little bit each evening as a way to wind down.

My Webbutton


Sites I Think are Pretty Fetchin' Cool

Other Webbuttons I've made for Fun

Contact and other links